SPM 考圣经知识。。。Bible study for SPM‏...

你知道吗?SPM 也可以考圣经知识哦!可是,如今很少青少年愿意接受这一个挑战。他们都害怕这一科没有资料可参考,会因为这一科而无法考获全科A。其实,Scripture Union Malaysia 有举行营会/班来预备各位考生。若只有很少基督徒愿意考这一科,恐怕这一科将会被除掉了!因此,在这里要求各位,把这一个消息传给你的基督徒朋友们。也恳求各位弟兄姐妹们能为此代祷。谢谢!想获取更多详情可浏览这网站:www.su.org.my (Scripture Union Malaysia 的网站)http://su.org.my/content/category/26/153/145/ (BK Resourse Material link)

Do you know that you could take the bible study as an subject for SPM exam??? Unfortunately, not much of the Christian youths would like to take this challenge... They are afraid that there'll be no infomatians for them to study, and will ended up not getting straight 'A's for SPM because of this subject... FYI....Scripture Union Malaysia does organize camp/class to prepare students for sitting this exam. If there's too little Christian youths wants to take this subject for SPM exam, this subject will be confiscated!!! Pls inform, encourage and pass on to any of your Christian youths. For more information, pls check from the following website : www.su.org.my(Scripture Union Malaysia), http://su.org.my/content/category/26/153/145/ (BK Resourse Material link)
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