电影里的疏忽 =) Hiccups In Movies =)

哈哈,真的很搞笑!古代电影里怎会出现这样的画面?=) LoL... so funny... these scenes appears in the movies of the olden days ? =)
古罗马时代有飞机吗?Hmmm.... aero planes in the Trojan War?
中国武侠片。新手表吗? Old movie. New watch? Watch it out! 你需要捉手把才能射还是。。。?You need to hold the trigger to shoot someone or...?
躬,剑。。。还有手提电话出现在古代?Bows, arrows, ... and cellphones in the olden days?还有接下来的我希望是大家的最爱。。。N here comes I hope everyone's fav...........
哇!那时代。。。ADIDAS? Wow! In those days,... Adidas?
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