祷告 prayers

你们有发觉到我们的部落格右下边有一个新的shout mix吗?哈哈。。。你们应该很想知道那是用来做什么的吧!让我告诉你。。。不是用来chat,不是用来发问问题。。。那是用来干嘛呢?
其实,那是让你们在有困难时,或是伤心时,无助时。。。总的来说,是你需要我们为你祷告时,在那里写上你的名字,你的烦恼,以及你要我们为你祷告什么。。。一click shout, 我们看到了就会为你祷告。。。因我们相信我们的神是无所不能的神,只要你肯把你的重担交托给他,他必为你开路。。。若你不想让别人知道你是谁,但又想我们为你祷告,你也可以写下你的祷告事项,然后写上你的nickname。。。例如你名字的最后一个字,方便我们在祷告时可提及你的名字。。。
我们也邀请你们与我们一同祷告。。。在shout mix的下面还有一格,是我们记下的祷告事项。。。 让我们一起养成祷告的好习惯,也为有需要的人一起来祷告吧!

did you realize there's a new shout mix column at the bottom right corner of our YMJ blog??? haha... you might be wondering what is it for... let me tell you... it's not for chatting. not for asking question... hmm... then what is it for???
actually, it's useful when you're in trouble, when you're sad, when you're helpless... conclusion, it's when you needed us to pray for you... all you need to do is just write down your name, your problems and also what you need us to pray for you... just click shout, we'll pray for you once we've seen it... because we believe that our LORD is almighty, when you're willing to give away your problems to him... God will make a way for you… If you don’t want anybody to know who’re you, but you need us to pray for you, you could write down your problems and also what you need us to pray for you too, then write down your nickname… for example your last name, so that we could mention your name when we’re praying…

we also invite you to join us… there’s another column below the shout mix, it’s what we’re suppose to pray for… so let us Practice the habit of praying, and also pray for those who needs us to pray for them!!! =)

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