Kuantan Mission Trip (15-16/8/2009)

Some of us just came back from a KUANTAN MISSION TRIP over last weekend! 2 days 1 nights spent times with the youth and children at the Kuantan Holygrace Presbyterian Church...wowow though the youth there are kinda young (around 13-16+) and children are quite young too but they were very responsive and active during the session..praise God we all had a wonderful youth service on d saturday night! we were learning how to be courage in our life with God's strength, how to cultivate a SAY NO Attitudes to those unpleasant things..wow it was really a fruiful one for them and all d YMJ members who were serving during that night! Let's keep them in prayer always and all d YMJ members as well...yeah YMJ ROCKS simply because we're serving a LIVING & ALMIGHTY GOD!!! *-*
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