
我收到了我的巴拿巴的两份礼物!!!这证明了我的巴拿巴有在关心我哦!!! =) 你呢???你行动了没???你关心你的保罗了吗???被关心的感觉是很好的,就让我们一起让我们的保罗感受到被关心的滋味吧!!! =)

“施比受更为有福” <使徒行传20:35>

p/s : 谢谢你,我的巴拿巴!!!

I received two presents from my barnaba!!! This proves that my barnaba is doing her/his job!!! =) What about you??? Have you taken any action??? Did you care about your Paul??? It's good to know somebody's caring about you, so let our Paul get the chance to feel the taste of care!!! =)

"It is more blessed to give than to receive"

p/s : thank you, my barnaba!!!
my 1st present from my barnaba...

my 2nd present =) same as jon... =)
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